Aspen Orthopaedic Associates and its nonprofit branch, the Aspen Sports Medicine Foundation (ASMF) , have been providing The Roaring Fork Valley ACL Injury Prevention Program since 2006 and is now an integral part of the Aspen Middle School Physical Education Curriculum and the Aspen Valley Ski & Snowboard Club student athletes training program. This six-week neuromuscular training program was developed and designed around the latest research in the field of sports medicine. Neuromuscular training programs help athletes to re-train muscles through a combination of strength training and drills to develop better dynamic balance and knee stability. This method teaches the athletes how to land, cut and jump properly to reduce ligament stress. This program has shown not only to decrease ACL and knee injuries, but also enhances overall athletic ability and to reach a higher level of performance. At the beginning and end of each six-week program, we evaluate each participant to understand changes in their muscular strength and form. During each meeting, trained physical therapists and athletic trainers will guide athletes through specific exercises while evaluating technique.
Filed under: Uncategorized by lpritchard
Posted by lpritchard | December 11th, 2012
The physicians of Aspen Orthopaedic Associates believe this ACL injury prevention program is extremely valuable to our community because of the high number of injury cases they treat each year.Surgery is typically required to repair an ACL injury, followed by four to six months of physical therapy. It takes almost a year to fully recover from this injury, and the patient has the potential for long-term complications as a result of the injury. By providing this program, it is hoped that competitive and recreational athletes will increase their injury prevention knowledge and training to decrease the number of ACL injuries in our community, as well as to achieve a higher level of performance. To learn more about The Roaring Fork Valley ACL Injury Prevention Program, contact the Aspen Sports Medicine Foundation at (970) 925-3646 or visit our Community Education page.

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