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martes, 2 de julio de 2013
A continuación le mostramos las novedades de las revistas más importantes en Condroprotección.
A continuación le mostramos las novedades de las revistas más importantes en Condroprotección.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
July 2013, Volume 72, Issue 7
From inhibition of radiographic progression to maintaining structural integrity: a methodological framework for radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis clinical trials
Robert Landewé, Vibeke Strand, Désirée van der Heijde
The potential use of expression profiling: implications for predicting treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis
Samantha Louise Smith, Darren Plant, Stephen Eyre, Anne Barton
EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological core management of hip and knee osteoarthritis
Linda Fernandes, Kåre B Hagen, Johannes W J Bijlsma, Oyvor Andreassen, Pia Christensen, Philip G Conaghan, Michael Doherty, Rinie Geenen, Alison Hammond,Ingvild Kjeken, L Stefan Lohmander, Hans Lund, Christian D Mallen, Tiziana Nava,Susan Oliver, Karel Pavelka, Irene Pitsillidou, José Antonio da Silva, Jenny de la Torre,Gustavo Zanoli, Theodora P M Vliet Vlieland
Changes in estimated right ventricular systolic pressure predict mortality and pulmonary hypertension in a cohort of scleroderma patients
Ami A Shah, Shang-En Chung, Fredrick M Wigley, Robert A Wise, Laura K Hummers
Novel genetic variants associated with lumbar disc degeneration in northern Europeans: a meta-analysis of 4600 subjects
Frances M K Williams, Aruna T Bansal, Joyce B van Meurs, Jordana T Bell, Ingrid Meulenbelt, Pradeep Suri, Fernando Rivadeneira, Philip N Sambrook, Albert Hofman,Sita Bierma-Zeinstra, Cristina Menni, Margreet Kloppenburg, P Eline Slagboom, David J Hunter, Alex J MacGregor, Andre G Uitterlinden, Tim D Spector
Clinical response, drug survival and predictors thereof in 432 ankylosing spondylitis patients after switching tumour necrosis factor α inhibitor therapy: results from the Danish nationwide DANBIO registry
Bente Glintborg, Mikkel Østergaard, Niels Steen Krogh, Ulrik Tarp, Natalia Manilo, Anne Gitte Rasmussen Loft, Annette Hansen, Annette Schlemmer, Victoria Fana, Hanne M Lindegaard, Henrik Nordin, Claus Rasmussen, Leif Ejstrup, Dorte Vendelbo Jensen,Peter Mosborg Petersen, Merete Lund Hetland
Association of joint space narrowing with impairment of physical function and work ability in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: protection beyond disease control by adalimumab plus methotrexate
Josef S Smolen, Désirée M van der Heijde, Edward C Keystone, Ronald F van Vollenhoven, Mary B Goldring, Benoît Guérette, Mary A Cifaldi, Naijun Chen, Shufang Liu,Robert B M Landewé
The US7 score is sensitive to change in a large cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis over 12 months of therapy
Tina M Backhaus, Sarah Ohrndorf, Herbert Kellner, Johannes Strunk, Wolfgang Hartung,Horst Sattler, Christof Iking-Konert, Gerd R Burmester, Wolfgang A Schmidt, Marina Backhaus
The association between objectively measured physical activity and knee structural change using MRI
Dawn A Doré, Tania Maree Winzenberg, Changhai Ding, Petr Otahal, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Johanne Martel-Pelletier, Flavia M Cicuttini, Graeme Jones
Bone anabolic changes progress in psoriatic arthritis patients despite treatment with methotrexate or tumour necrosis factor inhibitors
Stephanie Finzel, Sebastian Kraus, Sarah Schmidt, Axel Hueber, Juergen Rech, Klaus Engelke, Matthias Englbrecht, Georg Schett
The risk of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis in rheumatoid arthritis: a UK population-based outpatient cohort study
Hyon K Choi, Young-Hee Rho, Yanyan Zhu, Lucia Cea-Soriano, Juan Antonio Aviña-Zubieta, Yuqing Zhang
The risk of cardiovascular disease in systemic sclerosis: a population-based cohort study
Ada Man, Yanyan Zhu, Yuqing Zhang, Maureen Dubreuil, Young Hee Rho, Christine Peloquin, Robert W Simms, Hyon K Choi
Performance of the 2011 ACR/EULAR preliminary remission criteria compared with DAS28 remission in unselected patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Katja Thiele, Dörte Huscher, Sascha Bischoff, Susanna Späthling-Mestekemper, Marina Backhaus, Martin Aringer, Thomas Kohlmann, Angela Zink, for the German Collaborative Arthritis Centres
Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and increased risk of incident Crohn’s disease in US women
Wen-Qing Li, Jia-Li Han, Andrew T Chan, Abrar A Qureshi
Association between a history of periodontitis and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis: a nationwide, population-based, case-control study
Hsin-Hua Chen, Nicole Huang, Yi-Ming Chen, Tzeng-Ji Chen, Pesus Chou, Ya-Ling Lee,Yiing-Jenq Chou, Joung-Liang Lan, Kuo-Lung Lai, Ching-Heng Lin, Der-Yuan Chen
Trends in the first decade of 21st century healthcare utilisation in a rheumatoid arthritis cohort compared with the general population
Sofia Hagel, Ingemar F Petersson, Ann Bremander, Elisabet Lindqvist, Charlotte Bergknut, Martin Englund
Outcomes of patients with systemic sclerosis-associated polyarthritis and myopathy treated with tocilizumab or abatacept: a EUSTAR observational study
Muriel Elhai, Marine Meunier, Marco Matucci-Cerinic, Britta Maurer, Gabriela Riemekasten, Tifenn Leturcq, Raffaele Pellerito, Carlos Alberto Von Mühlen, Alessandra Vacca, Paolo Airo, Francesca Bartoli, Ginevra Fiori, Maria Bokarewa, Valeria Riccieri, Mike Becker, Jérôme Avouac, Ulf Müller-Ladner, Oliver Distler, Yannick Allanore, on behalf of EUSTAR (EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research group)
Female patients with ankylosing spondylitis: analysis of the impact of gender across treatment studies
Irene E van der Horst-Bruinsma, Debra Jeske Zack, Annette Szumski, Andrew S Koenig
C57BL/6 mice need MHC class II Aq to develop collagen-induced arthritis dependent on autoreactive T cells
Johan Bäcklund, Cuiqin Li, Erik Jansson, Stefan Carlsen, Patrick Merky, Kutty-Selva Nandakumar, Sabrina Haag, Jimmy Ytterberg, Roman A Zubarev, Rikard Holmdahl
Implication of IL-2/IL-21 region in systemic sclerosis genetic susceptibility
Lina-Marcela Diaz-Gallo, Carmen P Simeon, Jasper C Broen, Norberto Ortego-Centeno,Lorenzo Beretta, Madelon C Vonk, Patricia E Carreira, Sofia Vargas, José Andrés Román-Ivorra, Miguel A González-Gay, Carlos Tolosa, Francisco Javier López-Longo,Gerard Espinosa, Esther F Vicente, Roger Hesselstrand, Gabriela Riemekasten, Torsten Witte, Jörg H W Distler, Alexandre E Voskuyl, Annemie J Schuerwegh, Paul G Shiels,Annika Nordin, Leonid Padyukov, Anna-Maria Hoffmann-Vold, Raffaella Scorza, Claudio Lunardi, Paolo Airo, Jacob M van Laar, Nicolas Hunzelmann, Birgit S Gathof, Alexander Kreuter, Ariane Herrick, Jane Worthington, Christopher P Denton, Xiaodong Zhou, Frank C Arnett, Carmen Fonseca, Bobby PC Koeleman, Shervin Assasi, Timothy R D J Radstake, Maureen D Mayes, Javier Martín, The Spanish Scleroderma Group
The cathelicidins LL-37 and rCRAMP are associated with pathogenic events of arthritis in humans and rats
Markus H Hoffmann, Heiko Bruns, Liselotte Bäckdahl, Petra Neregård, Birgit Niederreiter,Martin Herrmann, Anca Irinel Catrina, Birgitta Agerberth, Rikard Holmdahl
Identification of the NF-κB activating protein-like locus as a risk locus for rheumatoid arthritis
Gang Xie, Yue Lu, Ye Sun, Steven Shiyang Zhang, Edward Clark Keystone, Peter K Gregersen, Robert M Plenge, Christopher I Amos, Katherine A Siminovitch
Blockade of canonical Wnt signalling ameliorates experimental dermal fibrosis
Christian Beyer, Helena Reichert, Hümeyra Akan, Tatjana Mallano, Amelie Schramm,Clara Dees, Katrin Palumbo-Zerr, Neng Yu Lin, Alfiya Distler, Kolja Gelse, John Varga,Oliver Distler, Georg Schett, Jörg H W Distler
Circulating plasmablasts/plasmacells as a source of anticitrullinated protein antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Priscilla F Kerkman, Yoann Rombouts, Ellen I H van der Voort, Leendert A Trouw, Tom W J Huizinga, René EM Toes, Hans U Scherer
The Journal of Rheumatology
June 2013; 40 (6)
Reaching the Threshold: A Multilayer Pathogenesis of Macrophage Activation Syndrome
Raffaele Strippoli, Ivan Caiello, and Fabrizio De Benedetti
Longterm Safety and Efficacy of Tocilizumab in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Cumulative Analysis of Up to 4.6 Years of Exposure
Mark C. Genovese, Andrea Rubbert-Roth, Josef S. Smolen, Joel Kremer, Majed Khraishi, Juan Gómez-Reino, Anthony Sebba, Robert Pilson, Sarah Williams, and Ronald Van Vollenhoven
Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Nonmalignant Disease: Is There an Association with Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Géraldine Lescaille, Amélie E. Coudert, Vanessa Baaroun, Marie-José Javelot, Martine Cohen-Solal, Ariane Berdal, Patrick Goudot, Jean Azérad, Blandine Ruhin, and Vianney Descroix
Safety of Abatacept Administered Intravenously in Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Integrated Analyses of up to 8 Years of Treatment from the Abatacept Clinical Trial Program
Michael E. Weinblatt, Larry W. Moreland, Rene Westhovens, Roger B. Cohen, Sheila M. Kelly, Nader Khan, Ramesh Pappu, Ingrid Delaet, Allison Luo, Sheila Gujrathi, and Marc C. Hochberg
Association of Polymorphisms Modulating Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol with Susceptibility, Severity, and Progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Yune-Jung Park, Seung-Ah Yoo, Susanna Choi, Hee-Soo Yoo, Ho-Sung Yoon, Chul-Soo Cho, Ki-Dong Yoo, and Wan-Uk Kim
Cardiovascular Events Are Not Associated with MTHFR Polymorphisms, But Are Associated with Methotrexate Use and Traditional Risk Factors in US Veterans with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lisa A. Davis, Grant W. Cannon, Lauren F. Pointer, Leah M. Haverhals, Roger K. Wolff, Ted R. Mikuls, Andreas M. Reimold, Gail S. Kerr, J. Steuart Richards, Dannette S. Johnson, Robert Valuck, Allan Prochazka, and Liron Caplan
First-degree Relatives of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Exhibit High Prevalence of Joint Symptoms
Irene Smolik, David B. Robinson, Charles N. Bernstein, and Hani S. El-Gabalawy
High-density Lipoprotein Profiling Changes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors: A Cohort Study
Anna Jamnitski, Johannes H. Levels, Inge A. van den Oever, and Michael T. Nurmohamed
The Early Protective Effect of Hydroxychloroquine on the Risk of Cumulative Damage in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Pooneh S. Akhavan, Jiandong Su, Wendy Lou, Dafna D. Gladman, Murray B. Urowitz, and Paul R. Fortin
Variable Association of Reactive Intermediate Genes with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Populations with Different African Ancestry
Paula S. Ramos, James C. Oates, Diane L. Kamen, Adrienne H. Williams, Patrick M. Gaffney, Jennifer A. Kelly, Kenneth M. Kaufman, Robert P. Kimberly, Timothy B. Niewold, Chaim O. Jacob, Betty P. Tsao, Graciela S. Alarcón, Elizabeth E. Brown, Jeffrey C. Edberg, Michelle A. Petri, Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, John D. Reveille, Luis M. Vilá, Judith A. James, Joel M. Guthridge, Joan T. Merrill, Susan A. Boackle, Barry I. Freedman, R. Hal Scofield, Anne M. Stevens, Timothy J. Vyse, Lindsey A. Criswell, Kathy L. Moser, Marta E. Alarcón-Riquelme, Carl D. Langefeld, John B. Harley, and Gary S. Gilkeson
Association of Gastroesophageal Factors and Worsening of Forced Vital Capacity in Systemic Sclerosis
Xuli Jerry Zhang, Ashley Bonner, Marie Hudson, The Canadian Scleroderma Research Group, M. Baron, M. Hudson, J. Markland, P. Docherty, M. Fritzler, N. Jones, E. Kaminska, N. Khalidi, S. Ligier, A. Masetto, J-P. Mathieu, D. Robinson, D. Smith, E. Sutton, Murray Baron, and Janet Pope
Comparison of EuroQol-5D and Short Form-6D Utility Scores in Multiethnic Asian Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: A Cross-sectional Study
Ying-Ying Leung, May-Ee Png, Hwee-Lin Wee, and Julian Thumboo
Soluble Biomarkers Associated with Response to Treatment with Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Psoriatic Arthritis
Vinod Chandran, Hua Shen, Remy A. Pollock, Fawnda J. Pellett, Adele Carty, Richard J. Cook, and Dafna D. Gladman
Efficacy and Tolerability of Probenecid as Urate-lowering Therapy in Gout; Clinical Experience in High-prevalence Population
Karen Pui, Peter J. Gow, and Nicola Dalbeth
Expression of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptors α, β, γ, and H- and L-Prostaglandin D Synthase During Osteoarthritis in the Spontaneous Hartley Guinea Pig and Experimental Dog Models
Sarah-Salwa Nebbaki, Fatima Ezzahra El Mansouri, Hassan Afif, Mohit Kapoor, Mohamed Benderdour, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Johanne Martel-Pelletier, and Hassan Fahmi
Identifying Phenotypes of Knee Osteoarthritis by Separate Quantitative Radiographic Features May Improve Patient Selection for More Targeted Treatment
Margot B. Kinds, Anne C.A. Marijnissen, Max A. Viergever, Pieter J. Emans, Floris P.J.G. Lafeber, and Paco M.J. Welsing
Kynurenic Acid in Synovial Fluid and Serum of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spondyloarthropathy, and Osteoarthritis
Jolanta Parada-Turska, Wojciech Zgrajka, and Maria Majdan
Statin Use in Giant Cell Arteritis: A Retrospective Study
Jean Schmidt, Tanaz A. Kermani, Francesco Muratore, Cynthia S. Crowson, Eric L. Matteson, and Kenneth J. Warrington
Antibiotics for Treatment of Reactive Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis
Claire E. Barber, Joseph Kim, Robert D. Inman, John M. Esdaile, and Matthew T. James
Childhood-onset Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (formerly Churg-Strauss Syndrome): A Contemporary Single-center Cohort
Samantha Gendelman, Andrew Zeft, and Steven J. Spalding
Race, Ethnicity, and Disease Outcomes in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Registry
Sarah Ringold, Timothy Beukelman, Peter A. Nigrovic, Yukiko Kimura, CARRA Registry Site Principal Investigators, James Birmingham, Peter Blier, Norman Ilowite, Thomas Graham, Fatma Dedeoglu, Pamela Weiss, Kathryn Torok, Rita Jerath, Marisa Klein-Gitelman, Andrew Lasky, Lawrence Jung, Steven Spalding, Lawrence Zemel, Consuelo Rabinovich, Sampath Prahalad, Marc Natter, Ali Yalcindag, Kathleen O'Neil, Jennifer Weiss, Daniel Kingsbury, Ann Reed, Judyann Olson, Natasha Ruth, Lisa Imundo, Gloria Higgins, Philip Kahn, Ilona Szer, Nora Singer, Nandini Moorthy, Elizabeth Chalom, Reema Syed, Ana Quintero, Beth Gottlieb, Deborah Rothman, Donald Goldsmith, Christy Sandborg, Barry Myones, Andrew White, Emily von Scheven, Karen Onel, J. Roger Hollister, Polly Ferguson, Carol Lindsley, Kenneth Schikler, Richard Vehe, Andrea Sestak, Marilynn Punaro, Christi Inman, Anna Huttenlocher, Leslie Abramson, Angela Robinson, Deborah McCurdy, Thomas Lehman, Amanda Brown, and Thomas Griffin
Etanercept Improves Lipid Profile and Oxidative Stress Measures in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Sara De Sanctis, M. Loredana Marcovecchio, Stefania Gaspari, Marianna Del Torto, Angelika Mohn, Francesco Chiarelli, and Luciana Breda
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
June 05, 2013 | Vol. 95. Issue 11
A Retrospective Analysis of Vertebral Body Fractures Following Epidural Steroid Injections
Shlomo Mandel, MD, MPH; Jennifer Schilling, BS; Edward Peterson, PhD; D. Sudhaker Rao, MBBS, FACP, FACE; William Sanders, MD
Time to Failure After Rotator Cuff Repair: A Prospective Imaging Study
Joseph P. Iannotti, MD, PhD; Allen Deutsch, MD; Andrew Green, MD; Sally Rudicel, MD; Jared Christensen, PhD; Shannon Marraffino; Scott Rodeo, MD
Prognosis for Congenital Scoliosis Due to a Unilateral Failure of Vertebral Segmentation
Michael J. McMaster, MD, DSc, FRCS; Marianne E. McMaster
Use of an Antifibrotic Agent Improves the Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Muscle Healing After Injury
Satoshi Terada, MD; Shusuke Ota, MD, PhD; Makoto Kobayashi, MD; Tetsuo Kobayashi, MD, PhD; Yutaka Mifune, MD, PhD; Koji Takayama, MD, PhD; Michelle Witt, MS; Gianluca Vadalà, MD; Nick Oyster, BS; Takanobu Otsuka, MD, PhD; Freddie H. Fu, MD; Johnny Huard, PhD
The Influence of the Contralateral Knee Prior to Knee Arthroplasty on Post-Arthroplasty Function: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study
Jessica Maxwell, PT, DPT, OCS; Jingbo Niu, DSc; Jasvinder A. Singh, MBBS, MPH; Michael C. Nevitt, PhD, MPH; Laura Frey Law, PT, PhD; David Felson, MD, MPH
Displacement of the Sustentacular Fragment in Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures
Wayne Berberian, MD; Amit Sood, MD; Briette Karanfilian; Robert Najarian, MD; Sheldon Lin, MD; Frank Liporace, MD
Early Prospective Clinical Results of a Modern Fixed-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Karl M. Schweitzer, MD; Samuel B. Adams, MD; Nicholas A. Viens, MD; Robin M. Queen, PhD; Mark E. Easley, MD; James K. DeOrio, MD; James A. Nunley, MD
Risk Factors for Readmission of Orthopaedic Surgical Patients
Elizabeth A. Dailey, MD; Amy Cizik, MPH; Jesse Kasten, MA, ATC; Jens R. Chapman, MD; Michael J. Lee, MD
Beyond the Square Knot: A Novel Knotting Technique for Surgical Use
Chunfeng Zhao, MD; Chung-Chen Hsu, MD; Tamami Moriya, MD; Andrew R. Thoreson, MS; Steven S. Cha, MS; Steven L. Moran, MD; Kai-Nan An, PhD; Peter C. Amadio, MD
Comorbidities and Perioperative Complications in HIV-Positive Patients Undergoing Primary Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
Carol A. Lin, MD, MA; Alfred C. Kuo, MD, PhD; Steven Takemoto, PhD
Recovery of Decreased Bone Mineral Mass After Lower-Limb Fractures in Adolescents
Dimitri Ceroni, MD; Xavier E. Martin, MS; Cécile Delhumeau, PhD; Nathalie J. Farpour-Lambert, MD; Geraldo De Coulon, MD; Victor Dubois-Ferrière, MD; René Rizzoli, MD
Impaction Grafting in Revision Total Elbow Arthroplasty Due to Aseptic Loosening and Bone Loss
Yong Girl Rhee, MD; Nam Su Cho, MD; Chong Suck Parke, MD
Severe Impingement of Lumbar Disc Replacements Increases the Functional Biological Activity of Polyethylene Wear Debris
Ryan M. Baxter, MS; Daniel W. MacDonald, MS; Steven M. Kurtz, PhD; Marla J. Steinbeck, PhD
Operative Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Christopher D. Murawski, BS; John G. Kennedy, MD, MCh, MMSc, FRCS (Orth)
Reporting and Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews in the Orthopaedic Literature
Joel J. Gagnier, ND, MSc, PhD; Patrick J. Kellam, BSc
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
June 2013; 21 (6)
Automobile Safety in Children: A Review of North American Evidence and Recommendations
Walter H. Truong, Brian W. Hill, and Peter A. Cole
Shoulder Arthroscopy: Basic Principles of Positioning, Anesthesia, and Portal Anatomy
E. Scott Paxton, Jonathan Backus, Jay Keener, and Robert H. Brophy
Nerve Injury Complicating Multiligament Knee Injury: Current Concepts and Treatment Algorithm
William Randolph Mook, Cassandra A. Ligh, Claude T. Moorman III,and Fraser J. Leversedge
Lower Extremity Arthroplasty in Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: Preoperative and Perioperative Management
Susan M. Goodman and Mark Figgie
Basic Principles for Conducting Human Research in Orthopaedic Medicine
James D. Slover, Jennifer Shue, Raj J. Karia, and Philip A. Band
Madelung Deformity
Andrew C. Ghatan and Douglas P. Hanel
Volume 52 Issue 6 June 2013
Friend or foe: high bone mineral density on routine bone density scanning, a review of causes and management
Celia L. Gregson, Sarah A. Hardcastle, Cyrus Cooper, and Jonathan H. Tobias
Subcutaneous abatacept for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Michael Schiff
Delphinidin inhibits IL-1β-induced activation of NF-κB by modulating the phosphorylation of IRAK-1Ser376 in human articular chondrocytes
Abdul Haseeb, Dongxing Chen, and Tariq M. Haqqi
IL-34 is overexpressed in the inflamed salivary glands of patients with Sjögren's syndrome and is associated with the local expansion of pro-inflammatory CD14brightCD16+ monocytes
Francesco Ciccia, Riccardo Alessandro, Vito Rodolico, Giuliana Guggino, Stefania Raimondo, Carla Guarnotta, AnnaRita Giardina, Guido Sireci, Giuseppina Campisi,Giacomo De Leo, and Giovanni Triolo
Hyperuricaemia elevates circulating CCL2 levels and primes monocyte trafficking in subjects with inter-critical gout
Rebecca Grainger, Rene J. McLaughlin, Andrew A. Harrison, and Jacquie L. Harper
Predictors of response to intra-articular steroid injections in knee osteoarthritis-a systematic review
Nasimah Maricar, Michael J. Callaghan, David T. Felson, and Terence W. O'Neill
Body weight at early and middle adulthood, weight gain and persistent overweight from early adulthood are predictors of the risk of total knee and hip replacement for osteoarthritis
Yuanyuan Wang, Anita E. Wluka, Julie A. Simpson, Graham G. Giles, Stephen E. Graves, Richard N. de Steiger, and Flavia M. Cicuttini
High bone mass is associated with an increased prevalence of joint replacement: a case-control study
Sarah A. Hardcastle, Celia L. Gregson, Kevin C. Deere, George Davey Smith, Paul Dieppe, and Jon H. Tobias
Predictors for the 5-year risk of serious infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy: a cohort study in the Dutch Rheumatoid Arthritis Monitoring (DREAM) registry
Sanne A. A. van Dartel, Jaap Fransen, Wietske Kievit, Ellen A. J. Dutmer, Herman L. M. Brus, Nella M. Houtman, Mart A. F. van de Laar, and Piet L. C. M. van Riel
Effect on bone turnover markers of once-yearly intravenous infusion of zoledronic acid versus daily oral risedronate in patients treated with glucocorticoids
Jean-Pierre Devogelaer, Philip Sambrook, David M. Reid, Stefan Goemaere, Sophia Ish-Shalom, Julien Collette, Guoqin Su, Christina Bucci-Rechtweg, Philemon Papanastasiou, and Jean-Yves Reginster
Low risk of renal flares and negative outcomes in women with lupus nephritis conceiving after switching from mycophenolate mofetil to azathioprine
Rebecca Fischer-Betz, Christof Specker, Ralph Brinks, Martin Aringer, and Matthias Schneider
The association of adipokine levels in plasma and synovial fluid with the severity of knee osteoarthritis
Christos Staikos, Athanasios Ververidis, Georgios Drosos, Vangelis G. Manolopoulos,Dionysios-Alexandros Verettas, and Anna Tavridou
Characteristics of Sjögren's syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis
Jing He, Yan Ding, Min Feng, Jianping Guo, Xiaolin Sun, Jing Zhao, Di Yu, andZhanguo Li
Comparison of three imaging techniques in diagnosis of chondrocalcinosis of the knees in calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
Victoria G. Barskova, Fatima M. Kudaeva, Liliya A. Bozhieva, Alexander V. Smirnov,Alexander V. Volkov, and Evgenii L. Nasonov
Gastrointestinal motility disorder assessment in systemic sclerosis
Edoardo Savarino, Federico Mei, Andrea Parodi, Massimo Ghio, Manuele Furnari,Adelina Gentile, Michela Berdini, Antonio Di Sario, Emanuele Bendia, Patrizia Bonazzi, Emidio Scarpellini, Lucrezia Laterza, Vincenzo Savarino, and Antonio Gasbarrini
Telomere length in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and its associations with carotid plaque
Carly Skamra, Juanita Romero-Diaz, Alexander Sandhu, QiQuan Huang, Jungwha Lee, William Pearce, David D. McPherson, Kim Sutton-Tyrrell, Richard Pope, andRosalind Ramsey-Goldman
Patient-level clinically meaningful improvements in activities of daily living and pain after total hip arthroplasty: data from a large US institutional registry
Jasvinder A. Singh and David G. Lewallen
Pregnancy outcomes in women with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a population-based study
Jian Sheng Chen, Jane B. Ford, Christine L. Roberts, Judy M. Simpson, and Lyn M. March
Rates of adherence and persistence with allopurinol therapy among gout patients in Israel
Gisele Zandman-Goddard, Howard Amital, Nadya Shamrayevsky, Raanan Raz,Varda Shalev, and Gabriel Chodick
Efficacy and safety of leflunomide in DMARD-naïve patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: comparison of a loading and a fixed-dose regimen
Maurizio Cutolo, Horatiu Boloşiu, and Gilles Perdriset for the LEADER Study Group
British Medical Journal
22 June 2013 (Vol 346, Issue 7913)
Searching for unpublished data for Cochrane reviews: cross sectional study
Jeppe Bennekou Schroll, PhD student, Lisa Bero, professor, Peter C Gøtzsche, professor
Telemonitoring based service redesign for the management of uncontrolled hypertension: multicentre randomised controlled trial
Brian McKinstry, professor of primary care ehealth, Janet Hanley, principal research fellow, Sarah Wild, professor of epidemiology, Claudia Pagliari, senior lecturer, Mary Paterson, research fellow, Steff Lewis, statistician, Aziz Sheikh, professor of primary care research, Ashma Krishan, statistician, Andrew Stoddart, health economist, Paul Padfield, professor of hypertension
Implementation of self management support for long term conditions in routine primary care settings: cluster randomised controlled trial
Anne Kennedy, senior research fellow, Peter Bower, professor of health services research , David Reeves, senior research fellow in statistics, Tom Blakeman, NIHR clinical lecturer in primary care, Robert Bowen, research associate,Carolyn Chew-Graham, professor of general practice research, Martin Eden, research associate, Catherine Fullwood, research associate, Hannah Gaffney, research assistant, Caroline Gardner, trials manager, Victoria Lee, research associate, Rebecca Morris, research associate, Joanne Protheroe, senior lecturer in general practice, Gerry Richardson, senior research fellow, Caroline Sanders, research fellow, Angela Swallow, research interviewer, David Thompson, professor of gastroenterology, Anne Rogers, professor of health systems implementation on behalf of the Salford National Institute for Health Research Gastrointestinal programme Grant Research Group
Shared care obesity management in 3-10 year old children: 12 month outcomes of HopSCOTCH randomised trial
Melissa Wake, paediatrician, Kate Lycett, research assistant, Susan A Clifford, research officer, Matthew A Sabin, paediatric endocrinologist, Jane Gunn, professor, Kay Gibbons, dietitian, Cathy Hutton, general practitioner,Zoë McCallum, paediatrician, Sarah J Arnup, biostatistician, Gary Wittert, professor
American Family Physician
June 1, 2013 Vol. 87, N. 11
Pharmacologic Therapy for Acute Pain
Richard D. Blondell ; Mohammadreza Azadfard ; Angela M. Wisniewski
Evaluation of Primary Immunodeficiency Disease in Children
Carin E. Reust
Amenorrhea: An Approach to Diagnosis and Management
David A. Klein ; Merrily A. Poth
Physical Therapy
June 2013, Volume 93, Issue 6
Effectiveness of Back School Versus McKenzie Exercises in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Alessandra Narciso Garcia, Lucíola da Cunha Menezes Costa,Tatiane Mota da Silva, Francine Lopes Barreto Gondo, Fábio Navarro Cyrillo,Renata Alqualo Costa, and Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa
Immediate Effects of Region-Specific and Non-Region-Specific Spinal Manipulative Therapy in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Ronaldo Fernando de Oliveira, Richard Eloin Liebano,Lucíola da Cunha Menezes Costa, Lívia Leticia Rissato,and Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa
Adherence to Behavioral Interventions for Stress Incontinence: Rates, Barriers, and Predictors
Diane Borello-France, Kathryn L. Burgio, Patricia S. Goode, Wen Ye,Alison C. Weidner, Emily S. Lukacz, John-Eric Jelovsek, Catherine S. Bradley,Joseph Schaffer, Yvonne Hsu, Kimberly Kenton, and Cathie Spino , for the Pelvic Floor Disorders Network
Vascular Elasticity and Grip Strength Are Associated With Bone Health of the Hemiparetic Radius in People With Chronic Stroke: Implications for Rehabilitation
Marco Y.C. Pang, Feigo Z.H. Yang, and Alice Y.M. Jones
Scapular Muscle Exercises Following Neck Dissection Surgery for Head and Neck Cancer: A Comparative Electromyographic Study
Aoife C. McGarvey, Peter Grant Osmotherly, Gary R. Hoffman,and Pauline E. Chiarelli
Responsiveness and Predictive Validity of the Hierarchical Balance Short Forms in People With Stroke
Wan-Hui Yu, Kuan-Lin Chen, Yeh-Tai Chou, I-Ping Hsueh,and Ching-Lin Hsieh
Assessing the Validity of the Dynamic Gait Index in a Balance Disorders Clinic: An Application of Rasch Analysis
Deanna C. Dye, Aaron M. Eakman, and Kayla M. Bolton
Measuring Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Therapy: Translation, Adaptation, Further Development, Validation, and Reliability Test of a Questionnaire
Susanne Bernhardsson and Maria E.H. Larsson
Clinical Decision Making in Hypotonia and Gross Motor Delay: A Case Report of Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy in an Infant
Kirsten Hawkins Malerba and Jan Stephen Tecklin
Pain Treatment for Patients With Osteoarthritis and Central Sensitization
Enrique Lluch Girbés, Jo Nijs, Rafael Torres-Cueco, and Carlos López Cubas
Interpretation of Subgroup Effects in Published Trials
Mark J. Hancock, Per Kjaer, Lars Korsholm, and Peter Kent
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