
sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Novedades Condroprotección

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Apreciado/a Dr/a Victor Manuel Valdes
5 de junio de 2013

A continuación le mostramos las novedades de las revistas más importantes en Condroprotección. 
 Lesiones focales de rodilla en sujetos sintomáticos y asintomáticos con factores de riesgo de artrosis - Datos procedentes de la Osteoarthritis Initiative 
 Eur J Radiol. 2013 Mar 26. pii: S0720-048X(13)00129-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2013.02.038. [publicación electrónica previa a la publicación impresa] 
 Factores predictivos del dolor postquirúrgico agudo y de la ansiedad tras una artroplastia primaria total de cadera y rodilla 
 J Pain 2013 Mar 27. pii: S1526-5900(13)00035-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2012.12.020. [publicación electrónica previa a la publicación impresa] 

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
June 2013, Volume 72, Issue 6
MRI comes of age in RA clinical trials
Charles Peterfy, Mikkel Østergaard, Philip G Conaghan
Whipple’s disease
Xavier Puéchal
EULAR recommendations for the use of imaging of the joints in the clinical management of rheumatoid arthritis
Alexandra N Colebatch, Christopher John Edwards, Mikkel Østergaard, Désirée van der Heijde, Peter V Balint, Maria-Antonietta D’Agostino, Kristina Forslind, Walter Grassi,Espen A Haavardsholm, Glenn Haugeberg, Anne-Grethe Jurik, Robert BM Landewé,Esperanza Naredo, Philip J O’Connor, Ben Ostendorf, Kristina Potočki, Wolfgang A Schmidt, Josef S Smolen, Sekib Sokolovic, Iain Watt, Philip G Conaghan
Efficacy and safety of adalimumab in patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: results of a randomised placebo-controlled trial (ABILITY-1)
Joachim Sieper, Désirée van der Heijde, Maxime Dougados, Philip J Mease, Walter P Maksymowych, Matthew A Brown, Vipin Arora, Aileen L Pangan
Similar response rates in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis after 1 year of treatment with etanercept: results from the ESTHER trial
In-Ho Song, Anja Weiß, Kay-Geert A Hermann, Hildrun Haibel, Christian E Althoff, Denis Poddubnyy, Joachim Listing, Ekkehard Lange, Bruce Freundlich, Martin Rudwaleit, Joachim Sieper
Patients with gout adhere to curative treatment if informed appropriately: proof-of-concept observational study
Frances Rees, Wendy Jenkins, M Doherty
Patients' needs and expectations with regard to rheumatology nursing care: results of multicentre focus group interviews
Yvonne van Eijk-Hustings, Judy Ammerlaan, Hanneke Voorneveld-Nieuwenhuis, Bertha Maat, Conny Veldhuizen, Han Repping-Wuts
Patient satisfaction with nursing consultations in a rheumatology outpatient clinic: a 21-month randomised controlled trial in patients with inflammatory arthritides
Hege Svean Koksvik, Kåre Birger Hagen, Erik Rødevand, Petter Mowinckel, Tore K Kvien,Heidi A Zangi
Induction therapy with adalimumab plus methotrexate for 24 weeks followed by methotrexate monotherapy up to week 48 versus methotrexate therapy alone for DMARD-naïve patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: HIT HARD, an investigator-initiated study
Jacqueline Detert, Hans Bastian, Joachim Listing, Anja Weiß, Siegfried Wassenberg,Anke Liebhaber, Karin Rockwitz, Rieke Alten, Klaus Krüger, Rolf Rau, Christina Simon,Eva Gremmelsbacher, Tanja Braun, Bettina Marsmann, Vera Höhne-Zimmer, Karl Egerer, Frank Buttgereit, Gerd-R Burmester
Infliximab for 6 months added on combination therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis: 2-year results from an investigator-initiated, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (the NEO-RACo Study)
Marjatta Leirisalo-Repo, Hannu Kautiainen, Leena Laasonen, Markku Korpela, Markku J Kauppi, Oili Kaipiainen-Seppänen, Riitta Luosujärvi, Reijo Luukkainen, Anna Karjalainen,Harri Blåfield, Toini Uutela, Kirsti Ilva, Heikki A Julkunen, Leena Paimela, Kari Puolakka,Eeva Moilanen, Pekka J Hannonen, Timo Möttönen, for the NEO-RACo Study Group
Very early rheumatoid arthritis as a predictor of remission: a multicentre real life prospective study
Elisa Gremese, Fausto Salaffi, Silvia Laura Bosello, Alessandro Ciapetti, Francesca Bobbio-Pallavicini, Roberto Caporali, Gianfranco Ferraccioli
Efficacy and safety of secukinumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a phase II, dose-finding, double-blind, randomised, placebo controlled study
Mark C Genovese, Patrick Durez, Hanno B Richards, Jerzy Supronik, Eva Dokoupilova,Vadim Mazurov, Jacob A Aelion, Sang-Heon Lee, Christine E Codding, Herbert Kellner,Takashi Ikawa, Sophie Hugot, Shephard Mpofu
'Insights in the relationship of joint space narrowing versus erosive joint damage and physical functioning of patients with RA'
R Koevoets, L Dirven, N B Klarenbeek, M V van Krugten, H K Ronday, D M F M van der Heijde, T W J Huizinga, P S J M Kerstens, W F Lems, C F Allaart
Rheumatoid factor determines structural progression of rheumatoid arthritis dependent and independent of disease activity
Daniel Aletaha, Farideh Alasti, Josef S Smolen
Etanercept normalises left ventricular mass in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Claire Immediato Daïen, Pierre Fesler, Guilhem du Cailar, Vincent Daïen, Thibault Mura,Anne-Marie Dupuy, Jean-Paul Cristol, Jean Ribstein, Bernard Combe, Jacques Morel
Ambient air pollution exposures and risk of rheumatoid arthritis: results from the Swedish EIRA case-control study
Jaime E Hart, Henrik Källberg, Francine Laden, Tom Bellander, Karen H Costenbader,Marie Holmqvist, Lars Klareskog, Lars Alfredsson, Elizabeth W Karlson
Difference in the risk of serious infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with adalimumab, infliximab and etanercept: results from the Dutch Rheumatoid Arthritis Monitoring (DREAM) registry
Sanne A A van Dartel, Jaap Fransen, Wietske Kievit, Marcel Flendrie, Alfons A den Broeder, H Visser, A Hartkamp, Mart A F J van de Laar, Piet L C M van Riel
Multiple cytokines and chemokines are associated with rheumatoid arthritis-related autoimmunity in first-degree relatives without rheumatoid arthritis: Studies of the Aetiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis (SERA)
Jan M Hughes-Austin, Kevin D Deane, Lezlie A Derber, Jason R Kolfenbach, Gary O Zerbe, Jeremy Sokolove, Lauren J Lahey, Michael H Weisman, Jane H Buckner, Ted R Mikuls, James R O’Dell, Richard M Keating, Peter K Gregersen, William H Robinson, V Michael Holers, Jill M Norris
Methotrexate polyglutamation in relation to infliximab pharmacokinetics in rheumatoid arthritis
Thierry Dervieux, Michael E Weinblatt, Alan Kivitz, Joel M Kremer
An increased rate of falling leads to a rise in fracture risk in postmenopausal women with self-reported osteoarthritis: a prospective multinational cohort study (GLOW)
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Xavier Nogues, M Kassim Javaid, Allison Wyman, Nigel K Arden,Rafael Azagra, Cyrus Cooper, Jonathan D Adachi, Steven Boonen, Roland D Chapurlat,Juliet E Compston, Stephen H Gehlbach, Susan L Greenspan, Frederick H Hooven, J Coen Netelenbos, Johannes Pfeilschifter, Maurizio Rossini, Philip N Sambrook, Stuart Silverman, Ethel S Siris, Nelson B Watts, Adolfo Díez-Pérez
Cam impingement causes osteoarthritis of the hip: a nationwide prospective cohort study (CHECK)
Rintje Agricola, Marinus P Heijboer, Sita M A Bierma-Zeinstra, Jan A N Verhaar, Harrie Weinans, Jan H Waarsing
Progression of osteoarthritis as a state of inertia
David Felson, Jingbo Niu, Burton Sack, Piran Aliabadi, Charles McCullough, Michael C Nevitt
In erosive hand osteoarthritis more inflammatory signs on ultrasound are found than in the rest of hand osteoarthritis
Marion C Kortekaas, Wing-Yee Kwok, Monique Reijnierse, Tom W J Huizinga, Margreet Kloppenburg
Evaluation of the genetic overlap between osteoarthritis with body mass index and height using genome-wide association scan data
Katherine S Elliott, Kay Chapman, Aaron Day-Williams, Kalliope Panoutsopoulou,Lorraine Southam, Cecilia M Lindgren, Nigel Arden, Nadim Aslam, Fraser Birrell, Ian Carluke, Andrew Carr, Panos Deloukas, Michael Doherty, John Loughlin, Andrew McCaskie, William E R Ollier, Ashok Rai, Stuart Ralston, Mike R Reed, Timothy D Spector, Ana M Valdes, Gillian A Wallis, Mark Wilkinson, Eleftheria Zeggini
Co-localisation of non-cartilaginous articular pathology increases risk of cartilage loss in the tibiofemoral joint-the MOST study
Frank W Roemer, David T Felson, Ke Wang, Michel D Crema, Tuhina Neogi, Yuqing Zhang, Michael C Nevitt, Monica D Marra, Cora E Lewis, James Torner, Ali Guermazi, for MOST study investigators
Incidence and predictors of secondary fibromyalgia in an early arthritis cohort
Yvonne C Lee, Bing Lu, Gilles Boire, Boulos (Paul) Haraoui, Carol A Hitchon, Janet E Pope, J Carter Thorne, Edward Clark Keystone, Daniel H Solomon, Vivian P Bykerk
Comparative efficacy of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions in fibromyalgia syndrome: network meta-analysis
Eveline Nüesch, Winfried Häuser, Kathrin Bernardy, Jürgen Barth, Peter Jüni
Muscle fatigue in fibromyalgia is in the brain, not in the muscles: a case-control study of perceived versus objective muscle fatigue
Elisabeth Bandak, Kirstine Amris, Henning Bliddal, Bente Danneskiold-Samsøe, Marius Henriksen
Active inflammation and structural change in early active axial spondyloarthritis as detected by whole-body MRI
Christian E Althoff, Joachim Sieper, In-Ho Song, Hildrun Haibel, Anja Weiß, Torsten Diekhoff, Martin Rudwaleit, Bruce Freundlich, Bernd Hamm, Kay-Geert A Hermann
Epistasis between two HLA antigens defines a subset of individuals at a very high risk for ankylosing spondylitis
Floris A van Gaalen, Willem Verduijn, Dave L Roelen, Stefan Böhringer, Tom W J Huizinga, Désirée M van der Heijde, René E M Toes
Does the site of magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities match the site of recent-onset inflammatory back pain? The DESIR cohort
Martin Blachier, Bertrand Coutanceau, Maxime Dougados, Alain Saraux, Sylvie Bastuji-Garin, Salah Ferkal, Philippe Le Corvoisier, Valérie Farrenq, Cécile Poulain, Bijan Ghaleh, Florence Canouï-Poitrine, Pascal Claudepierre
The development of candidate composite disease activity and responder indices for psoriatic arthritis (GRACE project)
Philip S Helliwell, Oliver FitzGerald, Jaap Fransen, Dafna D Gladman, Gerald G Kreuger,Kristina Callis-Duffin, Neil McHugh, Philip J Mease, Vibeke Strand, Robin Waxman,Valderilio Feijo Azevedo, Adriana Beltran Ostos, Sueli Carneiro, Alberto Cauli, Luis R Espinoza, John A Flynn, Nada Hassan, Paul Healy, Eduardo Mario Kerzberg, Yun Jong Lee, Ennio Lubrano, Antonio Marchesoni, Helena Marzo-Ortega, Giovanni Porru, Elvia G Moreta, Peter Nash, Helena Raffayova, Roberto Ranza, Siba P Raychaudhuri, Euthalia Roussou, Raphael Scarpa, Yeong Wook Song, Enrique R Soriano, Paul P Tak, Ilona Ujfalussy, Kurt de Vlam, Jessica A Walsh
The link between enthesitis and arthritis in psoriatic arthritis: a switch to a vascular phenotype at insertions may play a role in arthritis development
Sibel Z Aydin, Zoe R Ash, Ilaria Tinazzi, Concepción Castillo-Gallego, Chung Kwok,Caroline Wilson, Mark Goodfield, Paolo Gisondi, Ai Lyn Tan, Helena Marzo-Ortega, Paul Emery, Richard J Wakefield, Dennis G McGonagle
Steroid injection for inferior heel pain: a randomised controlled trial
Alfred Mahr, Sandrine Katsahian, Hugo Varet, Loïc Guillevin, E Christiaan Hagen, Peter Höglund, Peter A Merkel, Christian Pagnoux, Niels Rasmussen, Kerstin Westman, David R W Jayne, for the French Vasculitis Study Group (FVSG) and the European Vasculitis Society (EUVAS)
A vasculitis centre based management strategy leads to improved outcome in eosinophilic granulomatosis and polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss, EGPA): monocentric experiences in 150 patients
Frank Moosig, Jan Phillip Bremer, Bernhard Hellmich, Julia Ulrike Holle, Konstanze Holl-Ulrich, Martin Laudien, Christine Matthis, Claudia Metzler, Bernhard Nölle, Gert Richardt,Wolfgang L Gross
HLA-DRB1*04/*13 alleles are associated with vascular disease and antiphospholipid antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus
Emeli Lundström, Johanna T Gustafsson, Andreas Jönsen, Dag Leonard, Agneta Zickert, Kerstin Elvin, Gunnar Sturfelt, Gunnel Nordmark, Anders A Bengtsson, Ulf Sundin, Henrik Källberg, Johanna K Sandling, Ann-Christine Syvänen, Lars Klareskog,Iva Gunnarsson, Lars Rönnblom, Leonid Padyukov, Elisabet Svenungsson
Efficacy of rituximab in systemic manifestations of primary Sjögren’s syndrome: results in 78 patients of the AutoImmune and Rituximab registry
Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, Gael Cinquetti, Claire Larroche, Bernard Combe, Eric Hachulla, Olivier Meyer, Edouard Pertuiset, Guy Kaplanski, Laurent Chiche, Jean-Marie Berthelot, Bruno Gombert, Philippe Goupille, Christian Marcelli, Séverine Feuillet, Jean Leone, Jean Sibilia, Charles Zarnitsky, Philippe Carli, Stephanie Rist, Philippe Gaudin,Carine Salliot, Muriel Piperno, Adeline Deplas, Maxime Breban, Thierry Lequerre, Pascal Richette, Charles Ghiringhelli, Mohamed Hamidou, Philippe Ravaud, Xavier Mariette
Progression to rheumatoid arthritis in early inflammatory arthritis is associated with low IL-7 serum levels
Vincent Goëb, Philippe Aegerter, Rekha Parmar, Patrice Fardellone, Oliver Vittecoq, Philip G Conaghan, Paul Emery, Xavier Le Loët, Frédérique Ponchel
Anti-TNF treatment blocks the induction of T cell-dependent humoral responses
Gabriela Franco Salinas, Leen De Rycke, Barbara Barendregt, Jacqueline E Paramarta,Hulda Hreggvidstdottir, Tineke Cantaert, Mirjam van der Burg, Paul P Tak, Dominique Baeten
Autophagy contributes to inflammation in patients with TNFR-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS)
Tiziana Bachetti, Sabrina Chiesa, Patrizio Castagnola, Daniele Bani, Eleonora Di Zanni,Alessia Omenetti, Andrea D’Osualdo, Alessandro Fraldi, Andrea Ballabio, Roberto Ravazzolo, Alberto Martini, Marco Gattorno, Isabella Ceccherini
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor exacerbates antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody vasculitis
Simon J Freeley, Alice M Coughlan, Reena J Popat, Deborah K Dunn-Walters, Michael G Robson
The concentration of anticitrullinated protein antibodies in serum and synovial fluid in relation to total immunoglobulin concentrations
Annemiek Willemze, Jing Shi, Marlies Mulder, Gerrie Stoeken-Rijsbergen, Jan W Drijfhout, Tom W J Huizinga, Leendert A Trouw, Rene E M Toes
Microarray-based gene expression profiling in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes defines a disease-related signature and IL-1-responsive transcripts
James E Balow, Jr, John G Ryan, Jae Jin Chae, Matthew G Booty, Ariel Bulua, Deborah Stone, Hong-Wei Sun, James Greene, Beverly Barham, Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky,Daniel L Kastner, Ivona Aksentijevich
MiR-20a regulates ASK1 expression and TLR4-dependent cytokine release in rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocytes
Lucas Philippe, Ghada Alsaleh, Angélique Pichot, Eleonore Ostermann, Guy Zuber,Benoit Frisch, Jean Sibilia, Sébastien Pfeffer, Seiamak Bahram, Dominique Wachsmann, Philippe Georgel
Notch signalling pathways mediate synovial angiogenesis in response to vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin 2
Wei Gao, Catherine Sweeney, Ceara Walsh, Peadar Rooney, Jennifer McCormick,Douglas J Veale, Ursula Fearon
Critical role of the adhesion receptor DNAX accessory molecule-1 (DNAM-1) in the development of inflammation-driven dermal fibrosis in a mouse model of systemic sclerosis
Jérôme Avouac, Muriel Elhai, Michal Tomcik, Barbara Ruiz, Manuel Friese, Melanie Piedavent, Marco Colonna, Gunter Bernhardt, André Kahan, Gilles Chiocchia, Jörg H W Distler, Yannick Allanore
Revisiting the classification of clinical phenotypes of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis: a cluster analysis
Alfred Mahr, Sandrine Katsahian, Hugo Varet, Loïc Guillevin, E Christiaan Hagen, Peter Höglund, Peter A Merkel, Christian Pagnoux, Niels Rasmussen, Kerstin Westman, David R W Jayne, for the French Vasculitis Study Group (FVSG) and the European Vasculitis Society (EUVAS)

Arthritis & Rheumatism
Volume 65, Issue 6, June 2013
Changes in lipoproteins associated with treatment with methotrexate or combination therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the TEAR trial 
Iris Navarro-Millán, Christina Charles-Schoeman, Shuo Yang, Joan M. Bathon, S. Louis Bridges Jr., Lang Chen, Stacey S. Cofield, Louis J. Dell'Italia, Larry W. Moreland, James R. O'Dell, Harold E. Paulus and Jeffrey R. Curtis
Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies in Unaffected First-Degree Relatives of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Lillian Barra, Mathias Scinocca, Sheri Saunders, Rajesh Bhayana, Sherry Rohekar, Maud Racapé, Robert Coles, Ewa Cairns and David A. Bell
Metabolic Profiling Predicts Response to Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor α Therapy in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sabrina R. Kapoor, Andrew Filer, Martin A. Fitzpatrick, Benjamin A. Fisher, Peter C. Taylor, Christopher D. Buckley, Iain B. McInnes, Karim Raza and Stephen P. Young
Rheumatoid Arthritis in Latin Americans Enriched for Amerindian Ancestry is Associated With Loci in Chromosomes 1, 12, and 13, and the HLA Class II Region
David López Herráez, Manuel Martínez-Bueno, Laura Riba, Ignacio García de la Torre, Mónica Sacnún, Mario Goñi, Guillermo A. Berbotto, Sergio Paira, Jorge Luis Musuruana, César E. Graf, Alejandro J. Alvarellos, Osvaldo D. Messina, Alejandra M. Babini, Ingrid Strusberg, Juan Carlos Marcos, Hugo Scherbarth, Alberto J. Spindler, Ana Quinteros, Sergio M. A. Toloza, José Luis C. Moreno, Luis J. Catoggio, Guillermo Tate, Alicia Eimon, Gustavo Citera, Antonio Catalán Pellet, Gustavo G. Nasswetter, Mario H. Cardiel, Pedro Miranda, Francisco Ballesteros, Jorge A. Esquivel-Valerio, Marco A. Maradiaga-Ceceña, Eduardo M. Acevedo-Vásquez, Conrado García García, Bernardo A. Pons-Estel and Marta E. Alarcón-Riquelme, GEMAR Study Collaborators Teresa Tusié-Luna
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Type I Expression of CD4+ T Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis Enables Them to Follow Tumor Necrosis Factor Gradients Into the Rheumatoid Synovium
Manuela Rossol, Kristin Schubert, Undine Meusch, Anett Schulz, Bernd Biedermann, Jens Grosche, Matthias Pierer, Roger Scholz, Christoph Baerwald, Andreas Thiel, Sebastian Hagen and Ulf Wagner
Testosterone Is Protective in the Sexually Dimorphic Development of Arthritis and Lung Disease in SKG Mice
Rebecca C. Keith, Jeremy Sokolove, Benjamin L. Edelman, Lauren Lahey, Elizabeth F. Redente, V. Michael Holers, Shimon Sakaguchi, William H. Robinson and David W. H. Riches
Neuropathic Pain in Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Psychophysics and Brain Imaging Study
Qi Wu, Robert D. Inman and Karen D. Davis
Reduced Joint Counts Misclassify Patients With Oligoarticular Psoriatic Arthritis and Miss Significant Numbers of Patients With Active Disease
Laura C. Coates, Oliver FitzGerald, Dafna D. Gladman, Neil McHugh, Philip Mease, Vibeke Strand and Philip S. Helliwell, GRACE Collaboration
Combinatorial Control of Th17 and Th1 Cell Functions by Genetic Variations in Genes Associated With the Interleukin-23 Signaling Pathway in Spondyloarthritis
Maryaline Coffre, Mathilde Roumier, Magda Rybczynska, Emmanuel Sechet, Helen K. W. Law, Laure Gossec, Maxime Dougados, Elisabetta Bianchi and Lars Rogge
In Situ Analysis of Interleukin-23- and Interleukin-12-Positive Cells in the Spine of Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Heiner Appel, Rene Maier, Janine Bleil, Axel Hempfing, Christoph Loddenkemper, Uwe Schlichting, Uta Syrbe and Joachim Sieper
MicroRNA-29a Protects Against Glucocorticoid-Induced Bone Loss and Fragility in Rats by Orchestrating Bone Acquisition and Resorption
Feng-Sheng Wang, Pei-Chin Chung, Chung-Liang Lin, Ming-Wen Chen, Huei-Jin Ke, Yu-Hsuan Chang, Yu-Shan Chen, Shin-Long Wu and Jih-Yang Ko
Relationship of Bone Mineral Density to Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis
Ji Y. Lee, William F. Harvey, Lori L. Price, Jessica K. Paulus, Bess Dawson-Hughes and Timothy E. McAlindon
Transcriptomics of Wild-Type Mice and Mice Lacking ADAMTS-5 Activity Identifies Genes Involved in Osteoarthritis Initiation and Cartilage Destruction
John F. Bateman, Lynn Rowley, Daniele Belluoccio, Ben Chan, Katrina Bell, Amanda J. Fosang and Christopher B. Little
Rac1 Is Required for Matrix Metalloproteinase 13 Production by Chondrocytes in Response to Fibronectin Fragments
David L. Long, Jeffrey S. Willey and Richard F. Loeser
In Vivo Cyclic Compression Causes Cartilage Degeneration and Subchondral Bone Changes in Mouse Tibiae
Frank C. Ko, Cecilia Dragomir, Darren A. Plumb, Steven R. Goldring, Timothy M. Wright, Mary B. Goldring and Marjolein C. H. van der Meulen
A Hot Spot for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, but Not for Psoriatic Arthritis, Identified by Spatial Analysis Suggests an Interaction Between Ethnicity and Place of Residence
Mustafa Al-Maini, Thurarshen Jeyalingam, Patrick Brown, Jennifer J. Y. Lee, Lennon Li, Jiandong Su, Dafna D. Gladman and Paul R. Fortin
Comparison of Alternative Primary Outcome Measures for Use in Lupus Nephritis Clinical Trials
David Wofsy, Jan L. Hillson and Betty Diamond
Enhanced Rho-Associated Protein Kinase Activation in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Josephine Isgro, Sanjay Gupta, Elzbieta Jacek, Tanya Pavri, Roland Duculan, Mimi Kim, Kyriakos A. Kirou, Jane E. Salmon and Alessandra B. Pernis
MicroRNA-30a Promotes B Cell Hyperactivity in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by Direct Interaction With Lyn
Yu Liu, Jie Dong, Rong Mu, Yaping Gao, Xiaorong Tan, Yuhui Li, Zhanguo Li and Guang Yang
Toll-like Receptor 2 Is Required for Autoantibody Production and Development of Renal Disease in Pristane-Induced Lupus
Vilma Urbonaviciute, Charlotte Starke, Wiebke Pirschel, Sandy Pohle, Silke Frey, Christoph Daniel, Kerstin Amann, Georg Schett, Martin Herrmann and Reinhard E. Voll
FTY720 Ameliorates Murine Sclerodermatous Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease by Promoting Expansion of Splenic Regulatory Cells and Inhibiting Immune Cell Infiltration Into Skin
Doanh Le Huu, Takashi Matsushita, Guihua Jin, Yasuhito Hamaguchi, Minoru Hasegawa, Kazuhiko Takehara and Manabu Fujimoto
Clinically Insignificant Effect of Supplemental Vitamin C on Serum Urate in Patients With Gout: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Lisa K. Stamp, John L. O’Donnell, Christopher Frampton, Jill M. Drake, Mei Zhang and Peter T. Chapman
Dysregulation of CD4+CD25high T Cells in the Synovial Fluid of Patients With Antibiotic-Refractory Lyme Arthritis
Nalini K. Vudattu, Klemen Strle, Allen C. Steere and Elise E. Drouin
Familial Mediterranean Fever in Heterozygotes: Are We Able to Accurately Diagnose the Disease in Very Young Children?
Véronique Hentgen, Gilles Grateau, Katia Stankovic-Stojanovic, Serge Amselem and Isabelle Jéru
Susceptibility to Childhood-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis: Investigation of a Weighted Genetic Risk Score That Integrates Cumulative Effects of Variants at Five Genetic Loci
Sampath Prahalad, Karen N. Conneely, Yunxuan Jiang, Marc Sudman, Carol A. Wallace, Milton R. Brown, Lori A. Ponder, Mina Rohani-Pichavant, Michael E. Zwick, David J. Cutler, Sheila T. Angeles-Han, Larry B. Vogler, Christine Kennedy, Kelly Rouster-Stevens, Carol A. Wise, Marilynn Punaro, Ann M. Reed, Elizabeth D. Mellins, John F. Bohnsack, David N. Glass and Susan D. Thompson

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
Volume 21, Issue 6, Pages 783-888 (June 2013) 
Associations between radiographic lumbar spinal stenosis and clinical symptoms in the general population: the Wakayama Spine Study 
Y. Ishimoto, N. Yoshimura, S. Muraki, H. Yamada, K. Nagata, H. Hashizume, N. Takiguchi, A. Minamide, H. Oka, H. Kawaguchi, K. Nakamura, T. Akune, M. Yoshida
Physical activity, alignment and knee osteoarthritis: data from MOST and the OAI 
D.T. Felson, J. Niu, T. Yang, J. Torner, C.E. Lewis, P. Aliabadi, B. Sack, L. Sharma, A. Guermazi, J. Goggins, M.C. Nevitt, MOST and OAI investigators
Regional variation in T1ρ and T2 times in osteoarthritic human menisci: correlation with mechanical properties and matrix composition 
M. Son, S.B. Goodman, W. Chen, B.A. Hargreaves, G.E. Gold, M.E. Levenston
A rapid, novel method of volumetric assessment of MRI-detected subchondral bone marrow lesions in knee osteoarthritis 
C. Ratzlaff, A. Guermazi, J. Collins, J.N. Katz, E. Losina, C. Vanwyngaarden, R. Russell, T. Iranpour, J. Duryea
Diagnostic and prognostic value of bone biomarkers in progressive knee osteoarthritis: a 6-year follow-up study in middle-aged subjects 
J. Kumm, A. Tamm, M. Lintrop, A. Tamm
Skin pentosidine in very early hip/knee osteoarthritis (CHECK) is not a strong independent predictor of radiographic progression over 5 years follow-up 
P.A.J.M. Vos, P.M.J. Welsing, J. deGroot, A.M. Huisman, J.C.M. Oostveen, M. Reijman, J. Damen, S.C. Mastbergen, F.P.J.G. Lafeber
Relationship between pre-radiographic cartilage damage following anterior cruciate ligament injury and biomarkers of cartilage turnover in clinical practice: a cross-sectional observational study 
H. Yoshida, T. Kojima, K. Kurokouchi, S. Takahashi, H. Hanamura, M. Kojima, A.R. Poole, N. Ishiguro
Reproductive status and sex show strong effects on knee OA in a baboon model 
T.E. Macrini, H.B. Coan, S.M. Levine, T. Lerma, C.D. Saks, D.J. Araujo, T.L. Bredbenner, R.D. Coutts, D.P. Nicolella, L.M. Havill
Stereological analysis of subchondral angiogenesis induced by chitosan and coagulation factors in microdrilled articular cartilage defects 
C. Mathieu, A. Chevrier, V. Lascau-Coman, G.E. Rivard, C.D. Hoemann
Microstructural remodeling of articular cartilage following defect repair by osteochondral autograft transfer 
C.B. Raub, S.C. Hsu, E.F. Chan, R. Shirazi, A.C. Chen, E. Chnari, E.J. Semler, R.L. Sah
The matrilin-3 VWA1 domain modulates interleukin-6 release from primary human chondrocytes 
A.R. Klatt, B. Paul-Klausch, G. Klinger, U. Hillebrand, G. Kühn, B. Kobbe, J.H. Renno, W. Johannis, M. Paulsson, R. Wagener
Effect of hypoxia/reoxygenation on the cytokine-induced production of nitric oxide and superoxide anion in cultured osteoarthritic synoviocytes 
C. Chenevier-Gobeaux, C. Simonneau, H. Lemarechal, D. Bonnefont-Rousselot, S. Poiraudeau, F. Rannou, O.G. Ekindjian, P. Anract, D. Borderie
Real-time assessment of bone metabolism in small animal models for osteoarthritis using multi pinhole-SPECT/CT 
T.M. Piscaer, M. Sandker, O.P. van der Jagt, J.A.N. Verhaar, M. de Jong, H. Weinans

Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
June 2013 - Volume 19 - Issue 4
MDHAQ/RAPID3 to Recognize Improvement Over 2 Months in Usual Care of Patients With Osteoarthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Spondyloarthropathy, and Gout, as Well as Rheumatoid Arthritis
Castrejón, Isabel; Bergman, Martin J.; Pincus, Theodore
Assessing Process of Care in Rheumatoid Arthritis at McGill University Hospitals
Li, Lisa Marina; Tessier-Cloutier, Basile; Wang, Yafei; Bernatsky, Sasha; Vinet, Evelyne; Ménard, Henri André; Panopalis, Pantelis; Hazel, Elizabeth; Stein, Michael; Cohen, Martin; Starr, Michael; Pineau, Christian; Veilleux, Marie-ève; Colmegna, Inés
Association Between Adverse Reactions to Allopurinol and Exposures to High Maintenance Doses: Implications for Management of Patients Using Allopurinol
Paisansinsup, Tawatchai; Breitenstein, Matthew K.; Schousboe, John
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Preoperative Evaluation for Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Goodman, Susan M.
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthropathy, Historical Aspects: Part I
Benedek, Thomas G.
Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis Presenting as Henoch-Schönlein Purpura in Children
Bui, Tuan; Chandrakasan, Shanmuganathan; Poulik, Janet; Fathalla, Basil M.
Palmar Fasciitis and Polyarthritis Syndrome in Pancreatic Carcinoma
Veitch, David; Tsai, Ted; Joshua, Fredrick
A Case of Bilateral Hemarthrosis Due to Pseudoaneurysms in a Patient on Anticoagulation Therapy
Son, Kyeong Min; Kim, Ja Kyung; Seo, Young Il; Kim, Hyun Ah
A Case of Isolated Aorta Occlusion Caused by Takayasu Arteritis
Tan, Chun-Yu; Qin, Wei; Zhao, Yi; Yang, Yi; Huang, Zi-Xing; Liu, Y

British Medical Journal
25 May 2013 (Vol 346, Issue 7909) 
Breast cancer detection and survival among women with cosmetic breast implants: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Eric Lavigne, epidemiologist, Eric J Holowaty, adjunct professor, Sai Yi Pan, epidemiologist, Paul J Villeneuve, senior research scientist, Kenneth C Johnson, adjunct professor, Dean A Fergusson, senior scientist and director,Howard Morrison, director, Jacques Brisson, full professor
The gap in life expectancy from preventable physical illness in psychiatric patients in Western Australia: retrospective analysis of population based registers
David Lawrence, research professor1, Kirsten J Hancock, senior analyst1, Stephen Kisely, professor
Completeness and diagnostic validity of recording acute myocardial infarction events in primary care, hospital care, disease registry, and national mortality records: cohort study
Emily Herrett, research fellow, Anoop Dinesh Shah, clinical research fellow,Rachael Boggon, research statistician, Spiros Denaxas, senior research associate, Liam Smeeth, professor of clinical epidemiology and general practitioner, Tjeerd van Staa, professor of pharmacoepidemiology, Adam Timmis, professor of clinical cardiology, Harry Hemingway, professor of clinical epidemiology
Use of serum C reactive protein and procalcitonin concentrations in addition to symptoms and signs to predict pneumonia in patients presenting to primary care with acute cough: diagnostic study
Saskia F van Vugt, general practitioner , Berna D L Broekhuizen, assistant professor, Christine Lammens, analyst, Nicolaas P A Zuithoff, assistant professor, Pim A de Jong, radiologist, Samuel Coenen, assistant professor,Margareta Ieven, professor, Chris C Butler, professor, Herman Goossens, professor, Paul Little, professor5, Theo J M Verheij, professor on behalf of the GRACE consortium

American Family Physician
May 15, 2013, Vol. 87 N. 10
Approach to Acute Headache in Adults
Barry L. Hainer ; Eric M. Matheson
Sick Sinus Syndrome: A Review
Michael Semelka ; Jerome Gera ; Saif Usman
Ulcerative Colitis
Stephen M. Adams ; Paul H. Bornemann


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1 comentario:

  1. GMP manufacturing as well as catalog products for customers in industry and research area. Fibronectin Fragments
