
sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Ëtica y plublicaciones/Publication ethics

Ética en las publicaciones: Serie de casos con recomendaciones de acuerdo con el comité de ética en la publicaciones 
Publication Ethics: A Case Series with Recommendations According to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Fazly Bazzaz BS, Sadeghi R.
Biotechnology Research Centre, School of Pharmacy, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2012 Sep;15(5):1003-7. 
Ethical misconduct is not a new issue in the history of science and literature. However, ethical misconducts in science have grown considerably in the modern era which is due to emphasis on the scientific proliferation in research institutes and gauging scientists according to their publications. In the current case series, several misconducts occurring over the previous years in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Mashhad, Iran) either for Journals or Faculty members were gathered and specific recommendations were provided to avoid similar events in the future. All recommendations are according to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Aspectos éticos y dilemas en la preparación, escritura y publicación de escritos científicos en revistas biomédicas 
Ethical aspects and dilemmas of preparing, writing and publishing of the scientific papers in the biomedical journals.
Masic I.
Academy of medical sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Acta Inform Med. 2012 Sep;20(3):141-8. doi: 10.5455/aim.2012.20.141-148.
INTRODUCTION: In this paper author discussed about preparing and submitting manuscripts - scientific, research, professional papers, reviews and case reports. Author described it from the Editor's perspective, and specially talked about ethical aspects of authorship, conflict of interest, copyright, plagiarism and duplicate publication from the point of view of his experiences as Editor-in-Chief of several biomedical journals and Chief of Task Force of European Federation of Medical Informatics journals and member of Task Force of European Cardiology Society journals. The scientific process relies on trust and credibility. The scientific community demands high ethical standards to conduct biomedical research and to publish scientific contents. During the last decade, disclosure of conflicts of interest (COI ), (also called competing loyalties, competing interests or dual commitments), has been considered as a key element to guarantee the credibility of the scientific process. Biases in design, analysis and interpretation of studies may arise when authors or sponsors have vested interests. Therefore, COI should be made clear to the readers to facilitate their own judgment and interpretation of their relevance and potential implications. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Authors are responsible to fully disclose potential COI . In October 2009 the ICMJE proposed an electronic "uniform" format for COI disclosure. Four main areas were addressed: authors´ associations with entities that supported the submitted manuscript (indefinite time frame), associations with commercial entities with potential interest in the general area of the manuscript (time frame 36 months), financial association of their spouse and children and, finally, non-financial associations potentially relevant to the submitted manuscript. Consumers of medical scholarship expect a reliable system of disclosure in which journals and authors make disclosures appropriately and consistently. There is a stigma surrounding the reporting of COI that should be progressively overcome. Further actions are required to increase awareness of the importance of COI disclosure and to promote policies aimed to enhance transparency in biomedical research. In this article author discuss about important ethical dilemmas in preparing, writing and publishing of scientific manuscripts in biomedical journals.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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