
domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Ankle Arthroscopy, Candles and Mirrors to See Inside Your Ankle?


Knee scopes are one of the most common procedures offered from Orthopedic Surgeons for a multitude of knee complaints. The use of a "scope" or "arthroscopic" surgeries has made an increase in the foot and ankle. Arthroscopic literally means to look inside of a joint. This is done with the use of a very small, lighted tube, roughly the size of a lollipop stick, to look inside of the ankle. This is done through a very small, 5mm stab incision. Another small stab incision allows the entrance of other surgical instrumentation.

Interestingly, from a historical perspective, the lighting to view the joint has grown from reflected sunlight, candles, burning filaments, gas and electric lamps to today's fiber-optic lights. These powerful fiber-optic lights illuminate inside of the joint while fitting inside of the small camera. To view the joint began with the naked eye and then employed lenses and has developed today into high-definition camera lenses. These cameras project the small area onto larger high definition screens. Technology today allows the use of smaller arthroscopic instrumentation with more and more procedures.

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