
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

The Foot Surgery Atlas


The Foot Surgery Atlas home page

This atlas is intended to be used by those learning to perform Foot and Ankle surgery as well as to serve as a refresher for those of us who perform certain procedures, or use certain kit, less frequently than we would like. It is no substitution for appropriate tuition and fellowship training and is not intended as such. 
This is however the book I wish had existed when I was progressing through my training. It reflects the practicalities of modern operative practice in Foot & Ankle surgery, in particular the interplay of applied anatomy with current surgical instrumentation and new implants.

I must emphasize that the techniques demonstrated are only one way to perform the operations or deal with the conditions. In many cases other equally valid procedures exist.
If you have operations which you feel would merit inclusion please contact us with details and high resolution images. Due consideration will be given to all. Any future procedures from centres other than the clinic will be credited and home pages linked to.

This is an atlas and as such unashamedly offers no critique on the relative merits of any operation. Just as a geographical atlas offers no critique on the countries they must describe (France, Wales, Belgium for example). Text books and published results already exist and should be absolutely referred to.
In distinction to any other resource available however the foot surgery atlas guides you through visually, in high resolution images, and detailed text exactly the multiple stages that each procedure really requires. 
I am told that I must draw your attention to the legal disclaimer, so I just have.

I am indebted to the great surgeons who taught me my trade and for all of their continued support as editors for the atlas. They shared with me their hard earned experience and attempted to pass on their skills in the time honoured and tested method of pupilage and apprenticeship. A time consuming process. Unfortunately this is a system increasingly being eroded in the UK. May it return sometime soon. 

The atlas is dedicated to our patients, past and future, who take braver steps than us on a daily basis and let us be who we are.
I am especially indebted to my patients for their kind permissions to be included in this work.


My particular thanks also to my teams over the last few years of writing this atlas with their photographic assistance. In particular Mr Mattyias Czipri, Mr James Phillips, Navin, Jason and Christian.
I am also indebted to AircastArthrexDePuyDe SoutterImplants International, Linvatec and Wright Medical for their interest, support and vision in being associated with this work from an early stage. 
My greatest thanks are to Keith Bramich at Orion who nurtured and directed my ideas and always, always made things possible.


In times of surgical indecision, prevarication and stress I have found useful as mantras the following lines. Apologies for paraphrasing:

1)"the first thing they teach you in the service(? CIA) is whenever there is doubt there is no doubt" (Robert De Niro in Ronin).

2)Equally these must be tempered by the adage "the enemy of good is better". (Michael Stephens- Dublin, who nevertheless always goes for better)

3) In darker times a few uncharacteristically wise words of Nietsche are sometimes the most appropriate ... "anything which doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

Always do your best.

Mark Herron
Birmingham, UK.
1 December 2007.

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