
miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Orthopedic Surgery Presentations Memorial University Newfoundland


Divisions > Orthopedic Surgery > Presentations

Click on the topic to go to the presentations on that topic.
Topic & PresentationsAuthorDate
Basic Science
Form and Function of BoneDr. D. SquireNovember 13, 2002
Pathophysiology of OsteoarthritisDr. F. DoddMarch 6, 2003
Foot and Ankle
Cavus FootDr. C. StoneSeptember 29, 2003
Compartment Treatment of the FootDr. C. Stone2002
Diabetic FootDr. C. StoneApril 17, 2003
Hallus ValgusDr. C. StoneNovember 3, 2003
Hindfoot TraumaDr. C. StoneAugust 14, 2002
Osteochondritis Dissecans of the AnkleDr. C. StoneNovember 24, 2003
Tibialis Posterior InsufficiencyDr. C. StoneNovember 21, 2002
Hand and Wrist
Hand and Wrist Injuries 1 April 14, 1995
Hand and Wrist Injuries 2Dr. D. SquireFebruary 8, 1999
Keinboch's DiseaseDr. D. SquireSeptember 6, 2000
RA Hand CasesDr. D. SquireOctober 1, 2002
RA Wrist CasesDr. D. SquireOctober 1, 2002
Wrist Biomechanics and Carpal InstabilityDr. D. SquireMay 1, 2000
Knee and Hip
Hip Biomechanics and OsteotomiesDr. T. StoneMarch 7, 2002
Knee BiomechanicsDr. A. CrosbyDecember 4, 2002
Knee Ligament Injuries  
Osteotomies About the KneeDr. R. MartinFebruary 27, 2003
Critical Appraisal April 28, 2004
Cumulative Trauma DisordersDr. D. SquireJanuary 31, 2000
HemophiliaDr. J. O’Sullivan24 May 2001
Pediatric Orthopedics
Developmental Dysplasia of the HipDr. H. RocheApril 4 , 2002
OsteomyelitisDr. R. Deane 
Shoulder and Elbow
Shoulder InstabilityDr. A. CrosbyMarch 12, 2001
Shoulder ProblemsDr. D. SquireJanuary 15, 2000
Approach to Tumors I: How to Investigate a Musculoskeletal MalignancyDr. F. O'DeaDecember 19, 2002
Approach to Tumors II: How to Approach Bone TumorsDr. F. O'DeaDecember 20, 2002
Ewing's SarcomaDr. R. MasnykMay 10, 2001
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone  
OsteosarcomaDr. P. Duffy 
Cervical Spine Injuries Classification and Non-operative TreatmentDr. H. RocheDecember 12, 2002
Degenerative Disc Disease - Cervical Spine  
Operative Treatment For Cervical Spine FracturesDr. T.G. HoganDecember 10, 2002
Thoracolumbar Fractures
Dr. P. Duffy
March 20, 2001

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