
miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Jennifer McCabe's Bibliography on Games in Higher Education

La idea de usar el juego como método de aprendizaje en habilidades quirúrgicas no es nueva, lo que cambiado es la tecnología que lo hace posible, una lista de bibliografias del tema:

This list contains some of the key articles read during the design of the online health literacy game, Face the Case, available at ftc.cit.jmu.edu.

Amory, A., Naicker, K., Vincent, J., & Adams, C. (1999). The use of computer games as an educational tool: Identification of appropriate game types and game elements. British Journal of Educational Technology, 30(4), 311.
Batscha, C. (2002). The pharmacology game. CIN plus, 5(3), 1, 3-6.
Betz, J. A. (1996). Computer games: Increase learning in an interactive multidisciplinary environment
Din, F. S., & Caleo, J. (2000). Playing computer games versus better learning. U.S.; New Jersey:
Doolittle, J. H. (1995). Using riddles and interactive computer games to teach problem-solving skills. Teaching of Psychology, 22(1), 33-36.
Dordick, M. (1997). A computerized simulation for ESL composition students: Building a house. Simulation & Gaming, 28(1), 98-106.
Foreman, J. (2004). Game-based learning: How to delight and instruct in the 21st century. EDUCAUSE review, Sep/Oct(n/a), 51-66.
Fox, S., & Fallows, D. (2003). Internet health resources. Pew Internet and American Life Project, n/a(n/a), 24 July, 2003
Garson, D. (1994). Computerized simulation in social science: A personal retrospective. Simulation & Gaming, 25(4), 477-487, 536-544.
Gee, J. P. (2004). Learning about learning from a video game: Rise of nations. labweb.education.wisc.edu/room1301/PDFs/GeeRON.doc:
Holsbrink-Engels, G. A. (1997). Computer-based role-playing for interpersonal skills training. Simulation & Gaming, 28(2), 164-180.
Howard, M. G., Collins, H. L., & DiCarlo, S. E. (2002). "Survivor" torches "who wants to be a physician?" in the educational games ratings war. Advances in Physiology Education, 26(1-4), 30-36.
Landsberger, J. (2004). Gaming, teaching and learning: An interview with kurt squire. TechTrends, 48(4), 4-7.
Mann, B. D., Eidelson, B. M., Fukuchi, S. G., Nissman, S. A., Robertson, S., & Jardines, L. (2002). The development of an interactive game-based tool for learning surgical management algorithms via computer. American Journal of Surgery, 183(3), 305-308.
McCutcheon, L. E., & Campbell, J. D. (1986). The impact of video game playing on academic performance at a community college
Natale, M. J. (2002). The effect of a male-oriented computer gaming culture on careers in the computer industry. computers and Society, 32(2), 24-31.
Oblinger, D. (2003). Boomers, gen-xers, millennials: Understanding new students. EDUCAUSE review, (July/August), 37-47.
Okan, Z. (2003). Edutainment: Is learning at risk?
Pillay, H. (2002). An investigation of cognitive processes engaged in by recreational computer game players: Implications for skills of the future
Pink, G. H., Knotts, U. A., Parrish, L. G., & Shields, C. A.,Jr. (1991). The canadian hospital executive simulation system (CHESS). Healthcare management forum / Canadian College of Health Service Executives = Forum gestion des soins de sante / College canadien des directeurs de services de sante, 4(1), 16-23.
Prensky, M. (2005). Engage me or enrage me: What today's learners demand
Silverman, B. G., Holmes, J., Kimmel, S., Branas, C., Ivins, D., & Weaver, R., et al. (2001). Modeling emotion and behavior in animated personas to facilitate human behavior change: The case of the HEART-SENSE game. Health care management science, 4(3), 213-228.
Sourin, A. (2000). Virtual orthopedic surgery training. IEEE Computer Graphics and Animations, (May/June), 6-9.
Starkweather, D. B. (1984). Teaching with a computer-based game. The Journal of health administration education, 2(2), 135-145.
Stewart, K. M. (1997). Beyond entertainment: Using interactive games in web-based instruction. Journal of instruction delivery systems, 11(2), 18-20.
Thompson, C. (2004). Gaming for dollars: How a virtual reality turned into a real-life economy. Utne Reader, ?(November-December), 78-83.
Van Eck, R. (2006). Digital game-based learning: It's not just the digital natives who are restless. Educause Review, (March/April), 30.
Whitis, G. (1985). Simulation in teaching clinical nursing. The Journal of nursing education, 24(4), 161-163.
Wiggins Frame, M., Flanagan, C. D., Frederick, J., Gold, R., & Harris, S. (1997). You're in the hot seat: An ethical decision-making simulation for counseling students. Simulation & Gaming, 28(1), 107-115.
WPI Media Relations. (2003, May 24, 2003). WPI students create online game to simulate massachusetts state budget process. News Release, pp. n/a. 

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