
sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

10 cosas que las escuelas de medicina no le dirá/10 things medical schools won’t tell you


How a spoonful of bullying, plus a heaping pile of debt, helps turn students into doctors

1.-“Bullying, teaching. Same difference.”

2.-“We just added teamwork to our cutting-edge curriculum...”

3.-“... so be prepared to share the spotlight.”

4.-“You're not getting in here without some people skills.”

5.-“Undergraduate transferring may be used gainst you.”

6.-“Getting into med school was tough? Try getting a residency.

7.-“Offshoring is not just for factories anymore…”

8.-“…but your foreign colleagues may put your skills to shame.”

9.-“Indebtedness isn't an illness among doctors — it’s a plague.”

10.-“Medicine isn't a prescription for riches.”

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